Shirley Pevarnik posted a notice in the group
(Study Group) The Worldview of Thomas Berry: The Flourishing of the Earth Community: “Welcome to the Worldview of Thomas: The Flourishing of the Earth Community ” 5 years, 4 months ago
Hi Everyone. The course starts Monday the 21st and we will have our first Study Group at 7:00 EST the next Monday October 28th. We will be introducing ourselves and sharing our reflection on the first session. Feel free to join the discussion on line: Reflections on Session One. Looking forward to our sharing, self reflection on this work and…[Read more]
Jennifer Morgan posted a notice in the group
Timelines in Cosmic Education: Tying Them All Together: “Recording of “Timelines in Cosmic Education”” 5 years, 4 months ago
Thanks to all who were able to attend this event.
The recording of this event in which Michael Duffy integrated different timelines into a seamless whole is now posted on the course page. To see it:
1. log in
2. hover over “My Dashboard” in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
3. select “Courses”
4. select this course
5. click on…[
Jennifer Morgan posted a notice in the group
Timelines in Cosmic Education: Tying Them All Together: “Link for TIMELINES WEBINAR tonight, 7:00 PM EST (US)” 5 years, 4 months ago
The TIMELINES WEBINAR is tonight, October 16, 7:00 PM EST (US and Canada).
We will start at 7:00 and launch right in to content so best if you can come on a couple minutes before 7:00.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
https://zoom.us/j/841771819Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +16468769923,,841771819# or…[
Jennifer Morgan posted a notice in the group
Timelines in Cosmic Education: Tying Them All Together: “Link for Live “Timelines” Webinar on Wednesday (10/16) at 7:00 PM EST” 5 years, 4 months ago
You registered for Timelines for Cosmic Education, a Live Webinar on Wednesday, October 16, 7:00 PM EST (US and Canada), or you’re a DTN Premium Member.
Note: If you’re not interested in receiving emails about this webinar, write to hello@dtnetwork.
Know anyone else who might be interested registering for this webinar? Send them this…[Read more]
Search Forum

- Materials for learning about the history and diversity of life
- Tree of Life chart – free download
- Nesting and Branching Diagrams for the Bony Vertebrates introduces “tree-thinking” and how to read phylogenies (evolutionary tree diagrams)
- From Chordates to Mammals: Exploring the Tree of Life
- The Story of Mammals: From the Dawn of Life to the Present Day
- Outline of Geologic Time and the History of Life booklet

Gladwyne Montessori

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