• This is an article written about Deep Time Journey member Sr Pat Siemen’s 4 week trip to India to teach groups about the concept of Earth Democracy and Earth Jurisprudence–a.k.a. Earth Law or Wild Law. Pat was […]

  • Thank you very much Steve! I am aware it is being done and it is great to see ‘how’ it is being done.  My usual site for sharing the story has been at retreats or to teachers in seminars encouraging them to engage with the material….never in a regular semester length course with the institutional requirements.  It will be a challenge at the be…[Read more]

  • Yes, indeed!  It seems as if we are ‘lost in translation’ and perhaps muddled within the reframing process.  It is not the first time humans reframed themselves at  fundamental levels. A comprehensive exploration of these times in history  is crucial if we are to avoid the increasing mis-perceptions of what the term ‘religion’ means and can beg…[Read more]

  • Last semester I co taught a course on ‘be the change: awakening to cosmic compassion’ under the umbrella of the dept of interreligious studies (DIRS).  My colleague, the new director of DIRS, has the opportunity of teaching two ‘proper’ semester long courses starting in June.  Currently the instructors and instruction for each is totally a…[Read more]

  • AELA – advocates for Earth centred law and governance

    AELA’s Earth Arts Program
    Nurturing the role of creativity in transforming law and governance

    The Australian Earth Laws Alliance believes that […]

  • Happy New Year deep journeyers! I think I got to 2015 the first of our group since GMT etc favours India’s sun rotation over ‘west of India’ . Am presenting a paper in Bangalore 4-7 January. My presentation is the 6th…..Am delighted to be doing this on the feast of the Epiphany….must somehow bring in the timely origin of gold, frankencense…[Read more]

    • Happy New Year, Orla! I just read this, so alas am too late to wish you good luck w the presentation. How did it go? I hope it was a wonderful experience, and that you received a positive response!

  • Short film from the New York Times of the birth of a star.

  • This morning after finishing the AMS Webinair of Montessori’s Cosmic Education (fostering understanding of integral consciousness and ability to discern cosmic task) I checked my email and found something needing a response to my elected officials in the United States. How my officials in the United States vote on tuesday has huge implications…[Read more]

    • Thank you Orla. I know this is an issue of concern for the US and Canada but there are similar things going on in other countries where our members live, and in the end this is a global issue. Making the connection between our cosmologies/worldviews and actions we take in the world is an important part of this Network. What does it mean to come…[Read more]

  • Good Morning, Namaste from India!  This morning I attended the AMS sponsored course taught by our own DTJ member Michael Duffy named ‘Using Cosmic Education to teach Peace and Social Justice’.  Michael stressed the importance of Maria Montessori’s original vision of Cosmic Education and how that signature pedagogy supports and fosters integra…[Read more]

  • Orla Hazra posted a new activity comment 9 years, 8 months ago

    I would love to order them and did but then at the end it wanted paypal. I am nervous about paypal because of an experience. can i phone you with my card details? I live in India. thanks orla

  • It is wonderful to have parallel models to integrate and make our classroom experiences richer, appropriate and transformative.
    The Earth Charter is a crucial document because it outlines principles for life practice based on the understanding of our evolutionary universe and integral understanding. I have used it in retreat settings and with a…[Read more]

  • Orla Hazra posted a new activity comment 9 years, 9 months ago

    Thank you for starting the topic. When I first read the newsletter on Friday in the IBHA membership mail I was surprised, and also surprised that it was in the forum of a newsletter- it seemed the kind of discussion that might go on in a meeting, but not a newsletter. Then I wondered if I should prepare a reply, but it felt like the reply would…[Read more]

  • oops…a typo…..should read ‘noone ever sleeps alone’ !

  • @paulinelebel Hi Pauline! What a voice and moves! I am going to introduce some students in Mumbai to the Mitochondria Motel when I return home next week….thank you very very much! These are college students and when they know ‘ noone ever sleeps along’ perhaps some of the post modern anomie will be shifted! o

    • Hi Orla, Thanks for sweet words about my torch song about bacteria. I love your comment that post modern anomie can be addressed by knowing we live within and depend upon a community of supportive microorganisms. There is such phobia about bacteria in our culture and I wanted to challenge that. I have other humorous songs about science I could…[Read more]

  • @duane Welcome Duane to the Deep Time Journey collective! I was delighted to meet you at the International Big History Association conference and hearing of the various ways you are approaching the content and the huge variety of organizations you have established for both understanding and the practice of our deep time journey together. I have…[Read more]

  • Orla Hazra posted a new activity comment 9 years, 11 months ago

    welcome Duane….isn’t this a wonderful ‘place’? orla

  • Orla Hazra posted a new activity comment 9 years, 11 months ago

    hi Sunil
    Will be headed back to mumbai on 5 september. Let me know what you are up to and when i come back we can further the efforts!


    • Hi Orla,

      Very sorry for my late reply. It’s been a while since I loged in. I am based in Kottayam, Kerala. I am much fascinated with the New story (Universe story) movement and would like to make my contribution in this emerging world view . I am a web/graphic designer by profession. If I can put my skills into what my heart is on I feel it…[Read more]

    • Hello Orla,

      I am not sure if you have seen my previous post. Please drop in a line or two as a response.


  • Call For Papers: (Un)Ruly Catholic Women Religious: Sisters’ Stories.

    Jeana DelRosso, Leigh Eicke, and Ana Kothe seek contributions for the third volume in their Unruly Catholic Women series. In this volume, unruliness will be presented in two ways: first, in terms of how Sisters challenge cultural and governmental policies or even regimes; a…[Read more]

  • Orla Hazra posted a new activity comment 9 years, 11 months ago

    Thank you Jennifer and Deep Time Journey Network for trawling in the wide net you have cast so we can all talk and learn from each other….Nearly 200….It feels like entering a DTJ library!

    I watched the trailor for ‘Grandmother Fish” I love the book and the name of the book which is a ‘relation’….one of our relations in the web of life now…[Read more]

  • Orla Hazra posted a new activity comment 9 years, 11 months ago

    hi sunil!
    Hi Sunil!
    I am in Mumbai! Where are you in Kerala? I am out of country till 5 september but lets talk when i come back and scheme of how to take things forward in Kerala!


    • hi Sunil
      Will be headed back to mumbai on 5 september. Let me know what you are up to and when i come back we can further the efforts!


      • Hi Orla,

        Very sorry for my late reply. It’s been a while since I loged in. I am based in Kottayam, Kerala. I am much fascinated with the New story (Universe story) movement and would like to make my contribution in this emerging world view . I am a web/graphic designer by profession. If I can put my skills into what my heart is on I feel it…[Read more]

      • Hello Orla,

        I am not sure if you have seen my previous post. Please drop in a line or two as a response.


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