• Terri MacKenzie posted a new activity comment 9 years, 6 months ago

    Mary, I am very honored that you read my blog and very grateful that you offered such good ideas to improve it! I love your suggestions, and would do my best to use them next year. I shall keep what you wrote, and I would be truly grateful for any further input from the scientists among us. I have so much to learn!

  • Terri MacKenzie posted a new activity comment 9 years, 7 months ago

    Many thanks for this fine suggestion! I just ordered it, thanks to Christmas gift money and your recommendation.

  • Terri MacKenzie posted a new activity comment 9 years, 7 months ago

    I appreciate your support, yet again, Jennifer! Happy that other DTJN members have amen a look, too. Very best holiday wishes to you and all as we celebrate the solstice tomorrow!

  • This blog contains some information about the Winter Solstice and a Prayer Ritual for celebrating it in light (Yes!) of our place in the Universe Story.

    • Thanks so much for this Terri! Perfect for the season.

    • Terri, Thank you. I was born on Dec 21st and love to celebrate the winter solstice. You’ve given me some new ways to honour the return of the sun. My Song for the Winter Solstice can be listened to here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RWwndp5PqA
      Happy Solstice! Pauline

    • I appreciate your support, yet again, Jennifer! Happy that other DTJN members have amen a look, too. Very best holiday wishes to you and all as we celebrate the solstice tomorrow!

    • Thank you Terri for this ritual. I like the connections you are making. It occurred to me as I read through it that you might consider the significance of the recognition by physicists that the “fire” of the sun is a thermonuclear fusion reaction. It is quite different from the fire we know. This enerygy from the sun connects us to very fundamenta creativel processes of the cosmos. Isn’t the reaction occurring in the sun the same nuclear fusion that is the source of the elements we are made of.? In the case in our young star, the sun, it is helium that results from the fusion of hydrogen but it is part of the sequence that made, in earlier stars, the elements of the earth and our bodies (as well as those made in supernova.) This nuclear reaction seems foreign to us compared to the fire we know but perhaps this discovery is something to pursue in a liturgy as it does connect us into fundamental creative processes of the universe. Perhaps some of the scientists on the network could help develop this connection, including telling us about the nature of the light that comes from the sun. It is certainly a most fundamental energy that bathes us daily!

    • Mary, I am very honored that you read my blog and very grateful that you offered such good ideas to improve it! I love your suggestions, and would do my best to use them next year. I shall keep what you wrote, and I would be truly grateful for any further input from the scientists among us. I have so much to learn!

  • This blog reflects on connections: Veterans Day (Nov. 11th), International Remembrance Day for Lost Species (Nov. 30th), and war, poverty, climate change, and extinctions. It includes an updated Grieving Prayer […]

  • <p>Carol, I’ve been away and just saw this. Very impressed with your reply, Brian. My contribution might not directly relate, but perhaps there will be something that might spark a relevant thought: Tomorrow I hope to be posting a new blog on http://www.ecospiritualityresources.com/Connecting Remembrance Days. Its focus connects war and extinction of…[Read more]

  • Terri MacKenzie posted a new activity comment 9 years, 9 months ago

    I have almost finished Teilhard’s Mysticism, Kathy, and couldn’t be more enthusiastic about it. I just sent word of it to the SHCJ-sponsored EcoSpirituality Group, and I shall include it on my site’s Suggested Books page very soon. Sincere thanks for everything involved in giving us this excellent resource! I’m eager to read it all and eager to…[Read more]

  • Concerning when to begin fostering if not facts about evolution, perhaps more importantly, the sense of cosmic awe and perspective: I quote from Madeleine L’Engle. (The entire piece concerns her understanding of God.):

    “One time, when I was little more than a baby, I was taken to visit my grandmother, who was living in a cottage on a nearly…[Read more]

  • Thanks, Jonathan! Really happy that you liked it!

  • The feast of St. Francis is celebrated by Christians on October 4th. Seen by some as merely the “birdbath saint,” Francis is admired by many for the strength of his commitment to non-violent conflict resolution, […]

  • Several things impress and encourage me as I read the excellent piece on planes of development and the comments so far. The whole concept of planes (fields, spirals, whatever) is so pertinent to everything DTJN is about. But, beyond that, how wonderful for me, formed in the “school” of Teilhard de Chardin-Thomas Berry-Miriam Macgillis-Brian…[Read more]

  • Advance notice: Advent in the New Universe Story is a four-session resource for those interested in deepening their understanding of the Christmas/ Incarnation reality in the context of the new creation story. The […]

  • @duane Duane, your bio and resources are awesome! I am so grateful that DTJN introduced me to your work! I shall be greatly enriched and inspired by all you have done. Welcome to this group! and blessings on all you are doing to further the Great Work, Terri

  • This blog is primarily for those who are already committed to reducing climate change. It concerns our attitudes toward climate deniers, and encourages us to see this in evolutionary terms.

  • DTJN members like Carolyn Baker have written about the importance of conscious grieving. I often feel the need of it. After writing two blogs about extinction, I wrote a prayer/ritual that includes affirmations of […]

  • Awesome, Jennifer! I’d love to watch children using this — what a way to start one’s education! Thanks for creating this. Blessings, Terri

  • This blog shows that it’s better to care for entire ecosystems that developed over millions of years than to focus on saving isolated species. Learning about our own bioregions helps us appreciate and protect the […]

  • Beautiful ritual, Terry, and so appropriately and movingly adapted to the group using it. Kudos, yet again, for your prolific creativity. Blessings, Terri

  • This prayer is for individual or group use to celebrate World Environment Day, June 5th. It would also be appropriately used on Pentecost, June 8th. It refers to evolution, but is primarily about Earth’s present and future.

    • hi terri, can you please send me a pdf of the prayer? i am without internet at home now in india (came back here a week back) and want to mail it to foks back in ireland and here. will call you when i get to states in june! thanks again orla

  • Rich, just your comment about meeting up again was a delight! I absolutely love what you are doing, both because of my commitment to sharing the Story (inside and out) and also as a long-time educator. For the very first time I regret not having an iphone. I would dearly love to use your app but cannot. I’ll be sure and let our EcoSpirituality…[Read more]

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