Welcome to our ongoing Journey!

We’re happy to share that the Journey project continues to grow and reach new people around the world.  We connect with new community members each day via the travels of Mary Evelyn, John, and Brian Swimme, our websitepodcastonline courses, and the digital streaming of our film and conversation series.

This month we add to our collection of offerings with two sources of place-based modes of understanding: Permaculture and Indigenous Ways of Knowing.

If you are finding yourself in need of guidance and grounding, this month’s offerings are for you.  Each episode explores distinct, but interconnected worldviews that find meaning in the wisdom of the land.

We’ve found that there is a special sense of support and stability to be found in place-based cosmologies.  We hope that you find something similar in your own exploration of these worldviews and that they act as resources to support your resiliency as you continue your great work throughout the world.

Also highlighted in this month’s email:


This episode features a conversation on Permaculture with Penny Livingston.

In this conversation, Penny leads listeners through the history and significance of permaculture.  She discusses permaculture as an agricultural practice that increases biodiversity and helps us to understand our place in the story of the universe.



This episode features conversations with David Begay and Nancy Maryboy on Indigenous Ways of Knowing.

In these conversations, David and Nancy invite us to understand Navajo ways of knowing.  They describe a worldview that is place-based, emphasizes kinship and connection, and intimately orients the human within an interrelated and unified cosmos.


A new podcast interview of Brian Thomas Swimme by Cory Allen on the story of the universe.  In this podcast, Brian and Cory talk about being humbled by the wonder of the universe, the importance of curiosity, and the power of awe. 

In this recent interview, Mary Evelyn Tucker reflects on her latest book, Thomas Berry, A Biography with Orion editor, H. Emerson Blake.  This interview covers topics such as: what distinguishes Thomas Berry from other modern thinkers, the effect of meeting Thomas Berry on Mary Evelyn’s life, new insights on Thomas Berry from writing this book, and more. 

Join a Deeptime Network facilitated study group to accompany a Coursera course on Thomas Berry that was created by Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim. Facilitated by Shirley Pevarnik from October 21 – December 2.Taking the course with a study group will help you to further understand his deep insights about the nature of the universe and our place within it.  The study group will share and discuss personal shifts in consciousness that will unfold as they explore the New Story at deeper levels.

★ Film Screening: Journey of the Universe

September 15 and 22, 2019

11:00 am

Discussion with Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim.

The Unitarian Church of All Souls
1157 Lexington Avenue,  New York, NY

★ Worldviews and Cosmology

September 15, 2019

10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Join Oren Slozberg (Commonweal Executive Director), Drew Dellinger, and Devin O’Dea (Journey of the Universe project manager) for a Sunday morning convening to establish and grow a Bay Area cosmology-centered community.   

451 Mesa Rd
Bolinas, CA 94924

Limited space available.  Email [email protected] to RSVP.

★ The Visionaries Summit

September 19-22, 2019

This summit explores new visions for our future and the practical roadmaps for how to get there.  Brian Thomas Swimme to speak on Saturday, September 21 with Matthew Fox.

Doubletree by Hilton
Sacramento, CA

View the event website.

★ Book Discussion: Thomas Berry: A Biography

September 29, 2019

A book presentation with Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim.

2:00 – 3:00 pm Book Talk
3:00 – 4:00 pm Climate Action Bazaar and Refreshments

First Congregational Church
1051 State Rd, West Tisbury, MA


Contact: Jana Bertkau, [email protected]

★ Thomas Berry and “The Great Work”

October 30-31, 2019

Georgetown University,
Washington D.C., USA

Speakers include Mary Evelyn Tucker, John Grim, Dan Sheridan, Steve Dunn, C.P., Brian Brown, John Borell, Kusumita Pedersen, Kathleen Duffy, S.S.J., Kathleen Deignan, Leo Lefebure, Heather Eaton, Brian Thomas Swimme, Catherine Amy Kropp, Dan Scheid, Nancy Wright, and John Robert McNeill.

Visit the event website.  RSVP required.

★ “Religion & Science: Universe Story”

November 3, 2019

2:00-3:30 pm

Scarritt Bennett Center
Kreitner Room, Laskey Building
1027 18th Avenue South
Nashville,TN, USA

With Dr. Craig E. Philip, Dr. Keivan Stassun,
Tamara Marshall Whiting, and Joyce Wilding

These events are free and open to the public.

View the flyer

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