Promise Ahead: A Vision of Hope and Action for Humanity’s Future
Click for this Resource!This wide-ranging book was published in 2000 but is very relevant for understanding our world in this time of great transition. “Promise Ahead” explores how humanity is growing up and how our progress has created a number of adversity trends (e.g., climate chaos, groundwater depletion, species extinction). We are about to hit an “evolutionary wall” where we run into ourselves. Four great changes are vital: 1) A new perceptual paradigm that recognizes we live within a living universe; 2) New ways of living that are “outwardly simple and inwardly rich” and offer a foundation for a future of sustainable prosperity; 3) Engaging with the communications revolution as global citizens and communicating our way into a promising future; and 4) A global project in “truth and reconciliation” with regard to gender, wealth, race, religion, and more. This generation has the choice of either an evolutionary crash or an evolutionary bounce or leap forward. Humanity now has a central project—realizing our early adulthood as a species.
- Original Release Date (Year): 2000
- Used by people who call the work: Big History, Other (Human Evolution: the co-evolution of culture and consciousness)
- Applies a deep time evolutionary perspective to: Agriculture, Art, Ecology/Sustainability, Education, Government, Law, Other (Explores a series of paradigms and the associated stages of human evolution.), Religion/Spirituality, Social Justice
- Learning Stages: Adult Education, Higher Education, Lifelong
- Type: Book
- Keywords: evolution, trends, climate, environment, crash, hope
- Why I love this Resource: A big picture view of the human journey and the pivotal nature of our current time of profound transition.
- Link to Resource: Click here
- Posted By: Duane Elgin
- Date Added: August 25, 2014