Sacred Mystery in the Heart of Creation Online Retreat
Click for this Resource!This interactive, online presentation integrates the gospel with our call to care for Creation. Sacred Mystery pulsates throughout the universe. Jesus was immersed in this mystery. He drew so much of his inspiration and so many of his teachings from the wisdom and wonder of Creation. The program includes reflections on the scriptures in light of the Universe Story, the Beatitudes and selected parables. Participants will reflect on Jesus’ witness to the awesomeness of our Earth using images from Hubble, the artwork of Marion Honors, CSJ, and the photography of Clare Pelkey, CSJ. The afternoon session will reflect on experiencing creation through the lens of the three principles of the Universe. This can open our eyes and our heart to experiencing nature more intimately. The principles are manifestations of the Divine. Thomas Berry calls them “interdependent dynamic energy that courses through every aspect of life … the governing intentionality of all.” There will be opportunities for personal reflection, group sharing and time in between for a walk, lunch and Zoom screen break.
- Used by people who call the work: Other (), The New Story
- Applies a deep time evolutionary perspective to: Religion/Spirituality
- Learning Stages: Lifelong
- Type: Lecture/Webinar, Power Point
- Keywords: Retreats, programs, three principles of the universe
- Why I love this Resource: It is an invitation to reflect on what is most important to me
- Link to Resource: Click here
- Posted By: Linda Neil,CSJ
- Date Added: November 30, 2020