The Sacred Emergence of Nature
Click for this Resource!Description of the dynamics of EMERGENCE covering, among other things: REDUCTION and EMERGENCE; and What is Meant by Religious? — Interpretive Responses (Creation and Purpose, Contingency, The Emergent Human), Spiritual Responses (Enchantment, Transcendence and Reverence, and Gratitude), and Moral Responses (Emergent Morality, Amorality, and Ecomorality). The essay shows Emergence as a natural process within cosmic and biological evolution that brings forth novelty, including religious responses.
- Used by people who call the work: Epic of Evolution
- Applies a deep time evolutionary perspective to: Religion/Spirituality
- Learning Stages: Adult Education, Higher Education, Lifelong, Secondary 9 - 12
- Type: Article
- Link to Resource: Click here
- Posted By: Ursula Goodenough
- Date Added: May 21, 2015
Dear Ursula Greetings from Mumbai Thank you very very much for posting this article of yours. I am going to go through it with a ‘fine toothed comb’ not unlike the combs I see women using each morning, as they wake up on the streets and comb their long hair to take out the bugs. The weather here is now unbearable as are these daily sights and I hang onto the hope that nuanced ways of telling and understanding our common heritage will evoke other ways of being together. Crucial for us is this word ‘religion’- it sets off all… Read more »
Dear Ursula!
Thank you from the bottom of our awe-filled and wonder-full hearts for writing and sharing this fantastic piece!! I can’t wait to read it, but have skimmed enough to have made that statement.
I am sending you a new compilation recording of the Emergent Universe Oratorio with the new recitatives, now set to more lavish music, with deep gratitude for your generous and inspired editing. Evolutionarily yours, Sam