Bright Morning Stars
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This offering from the Center for Children and Theology continues the work of the Sacred History materials of integrating the Creation accounts of Genesis 1 and 2, with our growing understanding of the origins of the universe and life through the lens of science. The gifts of stars, sun and moon, earth, land and water, […]
- Used by people who call the work: Montessori Cosmic Education, The New Story
- Applies a deep time evolutionary perspective to: Art, Biology and Earth Systems Science, Religion/Spirituality, Science
- Learning Stages: Early Childhood PK, Elementary 3 - 5, Elementary K - 2, Infant/Toddler
- Type: Book
- Keywords: creation, music, song, sacred, Montessori, cosmology, Genesis
- Why I love this Resource: Using Language, art and music appropriate for children ages 6+, this book engages both the intellect and heart as it celebrates both Christian and scientific perspectives on the origins and story of our universe.
- Link to Resource: Click here
- Date Added: January 18, 2022