The Deeptime Leadership program is a 9-month Certification program that cultivates Deeptime Leaders, individuals who have big picture perspective that is aligned with the well-being and benefit of their communities, ecosystems, and the entire Earth Community. Through this program they have developed the skills, perspectives, and practices to guide individuals, groups, and organizations into alignment with a larger sense of purpose and contribution. They have also honed their skills through developing and implementing a personal project that expresses their own contribution to a better world in their own unique way. We at the Deeptime Network fully support and recommend these Certificate recipients and invite you to be in touch with them about their work and their fields of interest.
Certified Deeptime Leaders (Cohort 2022)
To see full details about each person, click here.
Manila, Philippines
Primary Field of Application: Art and Education
San Rafael, CA
Primary Field of Application: Creating community through the arts
Newcastle, South Africa
Primary Field of Application: Mind-body-spirit healing for self and Mother Earth (healing?)
in the Cuyahoga River Watershed near Cleveland, Ohio
Primary Field of Application: Building Intentional Community for Indigenous Communities
Kronberg, Germany
Primary Field of Application: Creating Community through Arts, Guiding and ReSearching. And Fun!
El Paso, Texas (US)
Primary Field of Application: Spirituality
Southport, Qld AUSTRALIA
Primary Field of Application :
Spirituality and the arts.
Melbourne, Australia
Primary Field of Application: Education
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Primary Field of Application: Community education, retreats, contemplative spaces
Kiblawan, Davao del Sur, Philippines
Primary Field of Application: Mission
Wisconsin, USA
Primary Field of Application: Spiritual Formation during the Great Turning
Washington DC
Primary Field of Application: Religious education.
Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
Primary Field of Application: Wellness, the Arts, Consulting
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Primary Field of Application: Ecotherapy, healing, and earth-focused spirituality.
Crozet, Virginia
Primary Field of Application: labyrinth facilitation and Creation Spirituality
Menlo Park, CA
Primary Field of Application: Community Living and Development
Albuquerque, NM
Primary Field of Application: My primary application of Deeptime leadership will be at the intersection of Education & the Arts.
West Trenton, NJ USA
Primary Field of Application: Technology and Global Consciousness
Aotearoa New Zealand
7 Highlands Rd , Manahawkin NJ, 08050
Sarasota, Florida
Primary Field of Application: Philosophy of education, pedagogy, religious education, spirituality and addiction
Certified Deeptime Leaders (Cohort 2023)
To see full details about each person, click here.
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Primary Field of Application: Personal and Group Transformation
Saanichan, BC, Canada
Primary Field of Application: Education, Community Development
Lune Valley, North Lancashire, UK
Green Vasai, India
Primary Field of Application: Empowerment of Indigenous Girls/Women
Crescent, IA, USA
Primary Field of Application: Correspondence and interiority with nature and art as elements of an emergent dialogue
Suhum Eastern Region, Ghana, West Africa
Primary Field of Application: Education, New creative strategies of reconciliation between
human beings and nature
New Haven, CT, USA
Primary Field of Application: Eco-spirituality, human and community development, The Great Work
Herefordshire, England, UK
Primary Field of Application: Personal and Cultural Change
Ithaca, NY, USA
Primary Field of Application: Interfaith work with a focus on ACTivities that can benefit significant segments of our communities
Metro Manila, Philippines
Primary Field of Application: Spiritual Formation, Holistic Health and Healing
Kerala, India
Primary Field of Application: Liberative interventions in academia and grassroots for bringing about justice, equality, inclusion and liberation
Quezon City, Philippines
Primary Field of Application: Spirituality, Natural Building
Manila, Philippines
Primary Field of Application: Spirituality
Eatontown, NJ, USA
Primary Field of Application: Emergence and guidance through the creative process
Plymouth, IN, USA
Primary Field of Application: The Arts, Education, Spirituality, Integral Ecology, Wellbeing
Big Island, Hawaii, USA
Primary Field of Application: Eco-spirituality
Wallingford, PA, USA
Primary Field of Application: Adult Spiritual Development, Organizational Development
Cairo, Egypt
Primary Field of Application: Organizational Development and Education
Boulder, CO, USA
Primary Field of Application: Embodied leadership at the intersections of performance art, film, education, mindful living and personal and collective healing and transformation
Pagadian City, Philippines
Primary Field of Application: Education, Ecology
Certified Deeptime Leaders (Cohort 2024)
To see full details about each person, click here.
BC, Canada
Primary Field of Application: Environmental education, the arts, spiritual development and following allurements to find what emerges
Louisville, KY, USA
Primary Field of Application: Spirituality and ecopsychology
France, Niederbronn-les-Bains
Primary Field of Application: My primary field of application is education through art. My art form is open to people of all walks of life. I target by priority youth, students and children.
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Primary Field of Application: Econstellating “the human – at a species level, … by means of story” (Berry) through Prenatal Science Education, Environmental/Social Justice, and Healthy Advocacy via CHARTres 4 PEACE Contemplative LAByrinth prActivism™ and TRANSITus LABwork™
Masonville, Colorado USA
Primary Field of Application: Earth Literacy, The Great Work
Seattle, WA
Primary Field of Application: Yet to be determined, but likely consulting and education.
London, Ontario, Canada
Primary Field of Application: Eco-spiritual Education and the Arts
Paso Robles, California
Primary Field of Application: The arts – bringing the DeepTime story into our local community via salons – music and evolution.
Primary Field of Application: Faith community leadership (Christian/Protestant)
San Anselmo, California, USA
Primary Field of Application: Deeptime Experiential Arts Alchemist
Denver, CO (also Port Angeles, WA)
Primary Field of Application: Experiences and Educational Materials that ground us in Place and Possibility– in the Here and Now. Retreats, Presentations, Classes..
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