Humanity’s Journey Home: We Are Bio-Cosmic Beings Learning to Live in a Living Universe
Click for this Resource!For at least 50,000 years, humanity has been on a journey of separation—pulling back from nature and becoming ever more differentiated, individuated, and empowered. In recent decades, we have become so dominant as a species that we are producing Earth-changing trends—global warming, species extinction, unsustainable population, massive famines, waves of migration, and more—that threaten humanity’s future. Now, with stunning abruptness, humanity is being challenged to turn from the familiar path of progressive separation to an unfamiliar path of global caring and cooperation. The transition from self-serving separation to world-serving cooperation confronts us with an evolutionary crisis: Who are we? What kind of Universe do we live in? Where are we going?
- Used by people who call the work: Evolutionaries, New Cosmology
- Applies a deep time evolutionary perspective to: Religion/Spirituality
- Learning Stages: Lifelong
- Type: Video
- Link to Resource: Click here
- Posted By: Jennifer Morgan
- Date Added: March 6, 2018