Origins: Volume IX Issue 2
Click for this Resource!My Big History Experience in Amsterdam by Benjamin Baumann
Last year, Benjamin studied big history for his master’s degree at the University of Amsterdam. It was an experience that changed his life forever, he writes here.
International Symposium on Life in the Universe 2019 Big History, SETI and the Future of Humankind
Almost a century ago, scientists gave us a new history of the cosmos by showing that our own galaxy, the Milky Way, was but one of an extraordinary number of other galaxies. In recent decades, scientists have located thousands of potentially habitable planets in just our own galaxy. Scientists at SETI are also looking for evidence that there is (intelligent) life beyond Earth. What does it mean to the big history account when the lines from the Big Bang go not only to the Milky Way, Earth, life on Earth, and humanity, but in many other directions as well? That is part of what big historians and SETI scientists will be considering in July in the beautiful setting of Republic of San Marino (roughly between Florence and Ancona, Italy). We look for your help in figuring out how SETI‘s ongoing scientific investigations are engaging big history.
Republic of San Marino (Italy)
July 15-18, 2019
Origin Story: A Big History of Everything
David Christian’s new book is now being translated in 22 languages. Read about the latest book by the founder of big history.
Applied Big History: A Guide for Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Other Living Thingsby William Grassie
Applied Big History is a guidebook to doing good and well in a fast-changing world. With the help of numerous experts, author William Grassie builds a lattice work of diverse disciplines—physics, chemistry, geology, cell biology, energetics, informatics, evolution, anthropology, psychology, economics, and more. Grassie explores the significance of chaos and complexity, and the dynamics of discovery and innovation, in evolution and economics. He does so with a practical eye to how these new sciences can help better understand and better practice economics, business, and finance in the face of uncertainties. Applied Big History weaves many specializations together in a useful framework that you can use every day in your work and in your life.
2020 IBHA Conference in Pune, Maharastra, India
In the summer of 2020, the IBHA will hold its fifth conference at Symbiosis International University, India’s largest private institution of higher learning. SSLA was the first university liberal arts school in India and is home to the India Association for Big History. The conference title and theme is: Changing the World: Community, Engagement and Big History. We look forward to seeing you at the first IBHA conference in Asia!
New Article by IBHA Board Member, Javier Collado-Ruano
The objective of this paper is to study the co-evolutionary processes that life has developed over billions of years in the context of ‘Big History’. The main intention is to identify their operational principles and strategies in order to apply them to solve complex problems as the ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations for the year 2030. The most important observations show us that all forms of life are developing sustainable and regenerative strategies in nature since life’s first appearance about 3.8 billion years ago. As a result of the discussion, those co-evolutionary operational principles of ecosystem cooperation must be biomimetically copied, emulated, and improved to reduce ecological footprint and to achieve the SDGs. In conclusion, biomimicry finds in Big History a perfect theoretical model to understand how humanity must co-evolve in harmony with nature.
- Used by people who call the work: Big History, Epic of Evolution
- Applies a deep time evolutionary perspective to: Education, Science
- Learning Stages: Adult Education, Higher Education, Lifelong, Secondary 9 - 12
- Type: Document
- Keywords: Origins, International Big History Association, IBHA, big history
- Why I love this Resource: Information about IBHA and 2019 SETI - Big History symposium
- Link to Resource: Click here
- Posted By: Lowell Gustafson
- Date Added: December 30, 2018