Reality Is Not What It Seems. And That Might Save The Climate (Article)
Click for this Resource!This is a nice meaty article published in August 25th. It applies the concepts we have been discussing like entanglement, non-locality, complementarity, indeterminacy to social/societal situations and gives some examples.
- Used by people who call the work: Cosmic Evolution, New Cosmology
- Applies a deep time evolutionary perspective to: Current Issues, Ecology/Sustainability, Social Justice
- Learning Stages: Adult Education, Higher Education, Lifelong
- Type: Article
- Keywords: entanglement, complementarity, non-locality, indeterminacy, climate activist,
- Why I love this Resource: It takes these far out concepts and applies them to problems we face here and now.
- Link to Resource: Click here
- Posted By: Steve Stodola
- Date Added: September 1, 2022
What an informative and provocative article. I am so glad I read it. It is really timely with my own cosmology and poetry blog piece, and especiallly following on the course on Quantum Wisdom in the DTN that concludes this week. Thank you for posting.