The Cosmic Dance: An Invitation to Experience Our Oneness
Click for this Resource!The Cosmic Dance comes to us from Joyce Rupp with artwork by Mary Southard. Orbis Books, 2002 is an opportunity to delve deeply into an experience of the Sacred Cosmos. Against the tapestry of Southard’s images, Rupp weaves her prose and poetry to invite the reader into their own experiences of oneness through the breath we share with trees and stars and peoples fading in and out of ancient and future time. The dance is the energy we share with deep time quarks, elementary particles and countless galaxies dancing ever more deeply away from us into space. The book is an invitation to deep awareness, since our experience of the Cosmic Dance depends on senses being alert and heart attuned to what is beyond the surface–to the Energies alive and dancing deep within my own soul and the soul of every being.
- Used by people who call the work: Gaia Theory/Science-Based Systems Thinking, New Cosmology
- Applies a deep time evolutionary perspective to: Art, Biology and Earth Systems Science, Religion/Spirituality
- Learning Stages: Adult Education, Higher Education, Lifelong, Secondary 9 - 12
- Type: Book
- Keywords: Eco-Spirituality, Earth, Creation, Natural World, appreciation, relationship, awareness,
- Why I love this Resource: I loved working on it with Joyce. It Centers me in the deeper reality; Calming; Balances my Energy for Ecological Engagement; It's like reading about my Beloved.
- Link to Resource: Click here
- Posted By: Mary Southard,CSJ
- Date Added: July 24, 2020