This Resource is a collection of opening meditations from Module Two of the DTN Certificate in Leadership class of 2021-2022.  It is a collection of 19 meditations created by the class participants included in this Volume.  The length of each meditations is around 3-5 minutes.  Their purpose was to draw class participants into a shared field of awareness and contemplative space at the opening of weekly class Sessions.  The meditations are uniquely shaped by the principles underlying the Deeptime Network, context, matrix, interiority and action.  Here they have been collected together in an act of hallowing, holding and harvesting the creativity of emergent leaders in the class of 2021-2022.

  • Used by people who call the work: Cosmic Evolution, The New Story
  • Applies a deep time evolutionary perspective to: Other (Contemplative practices)
  • Learning Stages: Adult Education
  • Type: Hands On Materials
  • Keywords: Opening Meditations, Deeptime Leadership, Module Two
  • Why I love this Resource: This resource is the very first collection of opening meditations within the context of the Deeptime Leadership class of 2021-2022. The meditations are expressions of stepping into new forms of consciousness and new forms of human being. They are testaments of cosmogenesis in the form of opening meditations.
  • File:
  • Posted By: Judith Keller
  • Date Added: July 4, 2022