This Resource is a collection of opening meditations from Module Three of the DTN Certificate in Leadership class of 2021-2022.  It is a collection of 16 meditations created by the class participants included in this Volume.  The length of each meditation is around 3-5 minutes.  Their purpose of these meditations was to draw class participants into a shared field of awareness and contemplative space at the opening of weekly class Sessions.  The meditations are uniquely shaped by the principles underlying the Deeptime Network, in 2021-2022 – context, matrix, interiority, and action.  Here they have been collected together in an act of hallowing, holding and harvesting the creativity of emergent Deeptime leaders in the class of 2021-2022.

  • Used by people who call the work: Cosmic Evolution, The New Story
  • Learning Stages: Adult Education
  • Type: Hands On Materials
  • Keywords: Opening Meditations, Deeptime Leadership, Module Three
  • Why I love this Resource: This resource is the very first collection of opening meditations within the context of the Deeptime Leadership class of 2021-2022. The meditations are expressions of stepping into new forms of consciousness and new forms of human being. They are testaments of cosmogenesis in the form of opening meditations.
  • File:
  • Posted By: Judith Keller
  • Date Added: July 11, 2022