Our Cosmic Heritage

by Eric J. Chaisson

(Published in Zygon, December 1988)

I suggest that cosmic evolution is a powerful synthesis to use as perspective-a grand ethos of potentially unprecedented intellectual magnitude-while approaching an uncertain future. Looking back-ward, we sense that its central feature, the time honored concept of change, can account for the appearance of matter from the primal energy of the Universe, and in turn for the emergence of life from that matter. Change further seems capable of describing the act of creation itself, thus scientifically accounting for the origin of all energy at the alpha-point of space and time.

But are we Earthlings to survive to learn more about ourselves, our planet, our Universe? Looking forward, shall we achieve some astronomical destiny? Just how wise, quite aside from sheer intelligence, are we? Put bluntly and not insignificantly: From the study of cosmic evolution may well emerge a sense of “big thinking” and with it the global ethics and planetary citizenship needed if our species is to have a future. In the words of Soren Kierkegaard, “Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.” Tritely stated though no less true, our future will likely be a measure of our current wisdom.

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