The survivors: the long consolation of ferns
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Since the middle of March, when California’s shelter in place started, an acupuncturist friend has been offering weekly meditations via phone. She starts by asking us to imagine ourselves in a nurturing place in nature. I invariably find myself on a forest floor, trees reaching high above me, leafy branches arching overhead. I’m surrounded by […]
- Used by people who call the work: Big History, Other ()
- Applies a deep time evolutionary perspective to: Biology and Earth Systems Science, Other (the life and role of plants)
- Learning Stages: Lifelong
- Type: Article, Blog
- Keywords: evolution, adaptation, interconnection, interrelatedness
- Why I love this Resource: My deep connection to plants and our interconnecting lices
- Link to Resource: Click here
- Posted By: Betsey Crawford
- Date Added: September 22, 2020