Sacred Season for Climate Justice (Resource Collection)
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For years, organizers and leaders throughout GreenFaith (but particularly in the global south) have asked for a multi-faith collection of resources on climate and environmental justice. In late 2021, Rabbi Arthur Waskow recognized that many religious holidays would be happening around the same time as Earth Day and the Equinox. The collection of sacred days became a perfect time to collectively create a resource. Contributions have come from around the world, boldly and faithfully naming that we need a more just climate for all. That means no more new fossil fuel projects, a phase out of current fossil fuel projects, and an investment in a just transition. Let’s continue to add to this resource—you can upload prayers, rituals, talks, songs, and more here (requires you to sign in with a free Google account). You can use these resources to host a sacred day for climate justice–add your event here.
- Applies a deep time evolutionary perspective to: Religion/Spirituality
- Learning Stages: Adult Education, Higher Education, Lifelong, Secondary 9 - 12
- Type: Website
- Link to Resource: Click here
- Posted By: Jennifer Morgan
- Date Added: March 7, 2022